Congratulations , Prime Minister Carney . Now call the election .
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more than likely a few seats either way with neither the Conservatives or Liberals forming a majority government going by the latest media .
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if i remember correctly as head of state president bush could come here but not as a private citizen. Trump could be in the same boat , @Zsa , perhaps something for someone who understands the law to research .
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we should of learned long before COVID hit. Masks / Social Distancing / and lock downs work - they helped stop the Spanish Flu so long ago - but vaccinations work even more than that !
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who was manipulated in hating ? the convoy in Ottawa ? is that what your hinting at @Lonely ? their manifesto was laughable.
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@Jethro - Carney announce he would abandon the other nationalities the same time he put all his assets into a blind trust .
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it's not a coronation - he is basically a caretaker prime minister till the election is held this year . elections Canada has made it clear 2025 is an election year. had this occurred with any other party in power the end results would of been the same .
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Aligning ourselves with China would be a terrible decision akin to Trumps alignment with Putin . We are better off joining the European Union at the end of the day.
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there is the Canadian company competing to Star link called Xplore but it's services are limited according to google.
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@Tucker - he is not the first Prime Minister to not have a seat - "When John Turner walked into the House of Commons for the first time as the leader of the governing Liberals in 1984, he had to sit in the visitors' gallery." , William Lyon Mackenzie King spent a period of time without a seat , John Abbott and MacKenzie Bowell also had the same problem .
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