I bought a bottle of Dom Perignon just for this.
18 7 0
Google is free. President Trump would be allowed entry.
14 34
Sincere condolences to all of Jim's family. Jim was truly a wonderful guy. I had many good times at the 3-J's hunting camp, a greater group of guys you couldn't find. Rest in peace Jim, and say hello to my Dad.
David Thibodeau
0 0 0
Your choice of course but IMO a mistake. I've watched for decades as athletes for one reason or another get involved in politics through protesting. You're only hurting yourself and possibly other athletes on your team or the competition. When this round of politics is over, and it will be, the protests amount to nothing. Cheers.
11 27 0
Good to read. I graduated from St. Francis many years ago.
3 0 0
@Pakadeva, I'm interested to hear from you who the other sources are that Canada can sell steel to. Given that the majority of our exports are raw materials, and they have a limited shipping distance, which is why 80% of our exports go into the U.S., where are the new customers. As far as your comments about Ford I won't bother as it appears you've missed the point. Cheers!
2 4
At a time when Canada needs strong leadership P.M. Trudeau has shut down Federal government and has all but dissapeared. We have Premier Ford fufllfilling a role that a countries leader should be in with the U.S. President. It's nothing but an embarrassment! No wonder President Trump pokes at Canada saying we should become a state, it appears that we have no Federal leadership. The only thing that can make Canada look worse now would be to re-elect the Liberal party.
19 17 2
12 14
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, known for his deep-sea explorations, reportedly said crossing Lake Superior in a storm was worse than crossing an ocean in one. Superiors waves are close together, unlike the ocean swells which a ship can ride, and they continually hammer a vessel.
14 1 0
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This is like changing out the Captain of the Titanic when the water was pouring into the wheel house.
19 10 2