A motei and a decent campground would go a long way.
Advertising tourism without the ability to accommodate is just plain stupid! Nothing would anger tourist more than to plan their vacation and later discover no accommodations. The high priced help didn't think this one through ........ again!!!
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Doug Ford for Prime Minister! He is a smart guy that isn't afraid to stand up for Canada!
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Ahhhhh, the money pit update. What surprise lies in wait for the unsuspecting taxpayer this time?
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Doug was asked by lunatic Ludwick to hold off, Doug agreed provided that trump dropped the extra 25% and got back to the table.
25 1
We can hope! Canada can't survive another 4 years of liberal mismanagement and theft.
133 60
Anointed would be a better description. But was he Anointed in the typical fashion with oil or was it with another load of liberal horse fertilizer????
30 31
Well Ester, he said he would but in the next breath he said he would add it at the manufacturing level. Guess who will still be paying the Carney carbon tax!
44 17
More than the tariffs is the issue of what he is plotting behind the scenes. Some Americans are warning privately that he may make a move on Canada or at least part of Canada, while the country is essentially disabled without a functioning government.
11 24 4
Well, he has his work cut out for him, best of luck!!
Now, if I may, on to the subject of the recent "survey" ... I gave up after a few lines because it was offered to essentially reinforce already proven, failed ideas. We need some people in the rarified air in the offices at city hall that are able to think even slightly beyond the crayon lines that they established for themselves.
When we look at the "dull thud" that we saw on the TV interview with the appointed mayor, it should be clear where a lot of the problem lies!
Tourism??? The city isn't really all that interested but .... they want to push the illusion that they care!!!
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No listings have been posted by Hagar1
If anyone went into a bank and announced that which trump announced to Canada, it would be considered an attempted armed robbery. Why is trump treated different than any other thief?
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