Stop The Hate, nice thought, but seriously, a person who knowingly is selling drugs (poison) to other human beings will NOT be rehabilitated, they are knowingly selling something that will kill...that person should not be doing any type of public service...there are jobs out there, they simply choose to sell drugs to make more / tax free $$$...
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Like Trump would know what the USA capacity is for producing anything...either before implementing or after implementing tariffs...
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Lots of great information...but could you try to hide your (not requested) negative opinion of the KED center by not describing it as being "off the beaten path"...I mean, really, off the beaten path...2 minutes from one has ever described Costco / Home Depot as being "off the beaten path"...
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Dexter...I agree...if you want it, please go ahead and chose to live in a remote location, why should tax dollars help you in this matter?
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It is very difficult to have a conversation with someone who simply wants to put the current premier of Ontario down, simply because he does not vote PC...the Chinese tariffs are a result of Trudeau putting tariffs on China last year...
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This is simply the Canadian press pushing certain buttons and agendas, as they have for some time...I have a place in Florida - Trump central - and they do not embrace the bombastic idiot that comes across in these quotes, etc., they embrace the fact that he is a republican and they embrace his cutting of programs and the endless spending of the past democratic governments...why our press takes hold of his ridiculous quotes and button pushing and runs with it is beyond comprehension...he is nothing but a bully & a blowhard...
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Without a doubt...but those that did not vote will be the first to complain with both the results and the work of those who did, in fact, win...!!!
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Encino...always a positive spin on!!!
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Ed Jenner...please explain to me how THEY take our resources from the north and you blame FORD for this??? The OWNERS of the resources have been taking them for over 125+ years, but you are blaming FORD for this??? Just WOW!
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No listings have been posted by Go Figure!
Why is it that the City in recent years have made ridiculous decisions such as this...if they were to front some of the initial funds and reclaim them upon the sale or leasing of the lots, etc., I get that...but to pay some $9M upfront and only receive property tax $$$ down the road, which would take years to recoup, JUST NO...if the developer wants to build it, let him build it, but not with this deal...
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