Even foot travel is hazardous!
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What even you find it uninteresting now?!?
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I thought the whole idea was to sacrifice a little for the good of all of Canada. What did Council and OPP and other police forces do before X? Time to get rid of it!
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Some stores are starting but slowly to label shelves in grocery stores, other provinces grocery stores have had these identifying labels on their shelves. For the past week, a family member sent a picture from another province of all the labels. Not sure why it's taking Barrie stores in particular so long, may have something to do with the conglomerate Loblaws Monopoly here.
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" discretely, served New Zealand, French or Chilean products." Why discretely? There is no shame in support other countries who support Canada. Import tax on energy might just be the secret that the feds are keeping. No point in broadcasting retaliation moves when we all know Trump might just get a good muzzle from his intelligent team of leaders (if any exist) who forecast the impending doom USians will experience with the rotten orange and his ventriloquist Musk at the helm.
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Common sense allows us to not have to rely on others when weather warnings have been bombarding the media for a couple of days. One need only look out their window or walk up the street and know it's not going to be a smart move to venture too far from home.
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Make it STOP!!!!
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Absolutely! We need to make Americans feel it! Every Canadian needs to stay focused on Canada and Canada products, I have canceled every single American subscription, I have downloaded the Buy Canadian app. So while I am in stores, I can scan the barcode and know know if I am purchasing Canadian produced goods. I will not be traveling to the US, I will not support us businesses operating on Canadian soil. I am willing to make some sacrifices, but it has been a challenge and quite an eye-opener as to how much of the US is here in Canada. It's actually shocking! Definitely a lesson that we all need to sit down and process and do what we can to send that message directly back to those south of us.
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When the college of physicians are governing and controlling the who, what, when, why, where and how if medicine nothing changes. Yes the COP has a place but that place is not to destroy healthcare in Canada and that is exactly what has been going on. Look to the route of the real problem otherwise throwing more taxpayers money solves absolutely nothing.
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No listings have been posted by Brady Bunch
It's just one continuous hurdle if red tape after another for affordable housing. Is it any wonder the growing number of unhoused people has become crisis level. Between poor wages, poor mental health services, poor health care services, unaffordable rent, entry level minimum wage jobs and political red tape. Taxpayers are being bled dry over and over and we don't see any positive change. Something has got to change!
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