I presume the picture of Doug Ford stepping up to the podium is at the Toronto Legislature. If so why is the American flag still there when a lot of towns and cities have taken it down Thank-you RW STEWART
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Regarding the open seat on the Collingwood council it should be given to the person with the next highest votes in the 2022 election
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The public already rejected this stupid idea Lets put it to rest for good
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I for one am against this rediculess By-Law At least if they are parked on the Boulevard they are not affecting the traffic flow The next thing will be that the Council will want us to keep the Boulevards watered HA HA HA
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I suggest if you want this so bad may you should think of moving to EUROPE
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I watched your so called family bike ride Not ONE of you people stopped for the stop sign is that any way to teach your children about bike safety I think not If this BICVCLE FRIENDLY STREET is really going to happen which I imagine the Mayor and Council have already made up their mind because a government grant is involved You better start educating these happy bike riders
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Does that mean their wages are prorogued as well
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I for one do not and will not get a cell phone Why can they not send us something like our health card I dont think it will cost anymore than setting up for electronic
22 8 3
So much for FREE speech
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Mr Ford has lost my respect. He put a tax on hydro being sent to the States and then turned around and cancelled it. My thinking is instead of being afraid of what Trump said about doubling the tariffs on steel products he should have turned off the switch for any and all Hydro going from Ontario to the States Thank-you R W Stewart
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