Get rid of the USA flags in the background….why are they there. Never should have been there in the first place.
10 5 0
Seeing red…not too many countries have USA on their Xmas card list…it would take a while,to source and the price probably higher than they now pay.
11 6
The income from the tax would look good…
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Ford should have left the tax on hydro…and then double it…should work on Quebec, New Brunswick, Manitoba and BC to follow suit, and Saskatchewan to put a tax on the potassium. If Alberta would join in, would be great. With a united front, Trump will not participate in the dance, his bone spurs would be bothering him.
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Hydro, I think across the country.. east coast provides lots… Quebec.. tons.. Ontario we know, Manitoba does and B C.. all have to be on same page and go 25% plus… Saskatchewan and potash.. ditto.. Alberta.. ditto….. elbows up.. a lot stronger as one…
7 5
I would like Cdn team point out that 🇨🇦 Border Services job is Re people and things coming into the country… not out. 🇺🇸 border people concerns should be inbound stuff and people… it kinda takes the wind out of the sails Re guns coming into Canada 🇨🇦, but that should fall back to who buying guns in USA.. and the manufacturing of these guns that are made for “deer hunters”, that fire off 100 rounds in 40 seconds.. and the sale of guns to those deemed “ mentally unstable “..that’s not only a problem for Canada 🇨🇦 but a major problem for the USA. $$$ talks unfortunately.,
6 5 0
London has drafted well over the years… but, in some cases they take a highly ranked American in late rounds, who has committed to a US university.. or in some cases, a player was drafted by another OHL team… Tomi and others.. who refuse to report to team that drafted… they say London only ( in Domi case, he didn’t have US school option… couldn’t pass SAT’s…).. A lot of Europeans will only go to London… $$ talks. Not taking anything away from coaching staff..they have made a lot of kids NHL ready or close to. .. all 3 brothers hated to loose in NHL. Guelph should be strong for next year… Kitchener hoping to land M Cup and will be strong .. and Knights always are in the picture ( sorry , but in years London recognizes they probably can’t win, they generate draft capital…) .. next year will be interesting..
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Gollum…years back he said he was gonna make millions operating a couple of casinos…do you recall how that turned out. Something no one else has done. History may also show a lot of fraud in last election…probably in swing states, where it would not take big numbers to sway the electoral college votes.
8 5
Trump does not have an understanding of economics…he sees the disruptions that are happening and only thinks…wow…I created this…I have power..he does not care about people anywhere…would, and has, thrown family under the bus. And BTW, when is last time he even drove a car himself. ..also curious what the tariffs are on the orange make up he imports from China.
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Got a text from a different phone number…re I’m delinquent on a charge for hwy 407….thats a new one..
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