Kids Up Front Foundation Toronto has two things to celebrate on the horizon: they’re approaching twenty years of facilitating joyful entertainment experiences for kids, youth and families in need through their ticket gifting program, and soon, the organization will reach the milestone of one million tickets donated.
“We recognize that for families struggling to make ends meet, which is especially hard right now, covering the cost of food and housing are the most important things that parents must think about first,” says Lindsay Oughtred, Executive Director of Kids Up Front Foundation Toronto. ”But at Kids Up Front, we believe children’s mental health is right up there with the essentials, so we strive to create opportunities for joy and bonding for the families we serve. We’ve seen that including young people at sports and culture events not only creates happy memories, but it also includes them in the greater community. Being a part of shared experiences with fellow Torontonians is very special and the benefits are great.”
As a registered charity that provides complimentary access to arts, culture, and sport for young people and families from equity deserving groups, Ms. Oughtred’s team aims to help families thrive by connecting them to the experiences that make Toronto a special place to live.
Kids Up Front Foundation Toronto, through its connections with individuals and organizations, receives donations of tickets – anywhere from two to two thousand – and works with carefully vetted community partners to put them in the hands of families who could use a night on the town. Recently, tickets to Mirvish's The Lion King and passes to Hot Docs theatre have been in high demand. Sporting events like Leafs and Raptors games are natural favourites too, and access to new professional women’s teams, like Toronto Tempos, Sceptres, and AFC Toronto games are expected to be coveted Spring and Summer activities.
Ms. Oughtred says sporting events leave an impression on young fans long after they leave the arena.
“We know a lot of young athletes are already playing basketball, hockey and soccer, but to see professionals playing at this level is, I think, massively inspiring for them,” says Ms. Oughtred. “We hear that when kids go to these events it sparks something that leads to them signing up for [activities] in their communities afterwards.”
On any given day of the year, a young person from the Kids Up Front community is enjoying tickets donated by the public and making memories that will last them a lifetime. While Ms. Oughtred and her team are feeling the loss of the Ontario Science Centre, which drew 17,000 young people through their program each year, they are confident that Toronto’s community of donors will help bridge the gap for the city’s kids this summer through their donations.
“Little Canada and Arcadia Earth have stepped in with donated tickets and we’re looking for more opportunities like these for children in the city,” she says.
If you’d like to help Kids Up Front hit their million ticket milestone, or to learn more about their programming, visit their website here.